The decision to retire is a big one and one you should consider carefully. The last thing an employee wants to do is retire and miscalculate their income and have to go back to work in retirement!
In order to determine when you should retire you must consider several important factors. We've listed a few of them below:
- Are you eligible? Have you met the age and years of service requirement?
- What will your expenses be in retirement and is your retirement income sufficient to maintain your standard of living?
- Have you factored in the increased cost of health insurance in retirement?
- Should you elect a survivor benefit and if so how much?
- How do you make sure your spouse has health insurance in retirement in the event of your premature death?
- Have you considered the new credit FERS employees receive for unused sick leave?
- Do you understand your Social Security benefits and the implications of starting benefits at age 62 versus 66 and older?
- Have you considered buying Military time?
- Do you know what role your TSP will play in your retirement? How long will your money last and should you leave the money in the TSP? Is the TSP the best place to leave your hard earned money?
In addition to the above issues there are countless other areas that are unique to each employee that must be considered as well. We encourage all Postal employees to use us as a resource and contact us to set up a Free Benefits Review.
** Many reviews can take place over the phone there are some issues that require a face to face appointment. At this time we are unable to offer face to face appointments in every state but do our very best to accommodate each and every employee.